> I have two db tables:
> board (name, created_on)
> article(board, name, title)
> currently, in my html I do a naive loop {{for article in articles}} {{=
> article.board.name}} {{pass}}
> I would like to change it and do something like:
> articles = db.select.all.......
> board_ids = set(map(lambda a: a.board_id, articles))

Instead of a.board_id, do you mean a.board (I don't see a "board_id" field 
listed in your article table definition)? Also, is db.article.board a 
reference field to the db.board table? In that case, that means it is 
already storing the id of the referenced record in the db.board table 
(that's what reference fields store), so you don't need to retrieve it 

Anyway, if you need the db.board.name value for all the records you are 
selecting from the db.article table, you should probably just do a join so 
you can get everything in a single query -- 
see http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/6#Inner-joins.

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