Yes I am aware of that. I just found sometimes as you are building a large
app you may reorganize which app your models belong to. This is normally
not an issue except when I have members testing the site.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 7:27 AM, Cliff <> wrote:

> When you have multiple apps sharing a table, only one app should
> migrate the table.
> In my multii-app application, init owns and migrates all the auth
> tables because it handles logins.
> Other apps own the tables most pertinent to them.  Non-owning apps can
> use the tables by defining them without migrating.
> I discovered that the non-owning app does not need to define fields
> that it does not use.
> On Mar 20, 11:50 am, Bruce Wade <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This one error is starting to become a pain, is there anyway we can
> provide
> > a better solution. For example if the table already exists why just NOT
> > create it instead of throwing an error?
> >
> > For example I have one database table created from when I was testing an
> > application say "main". Then I created a specific application that will
> > actually handle all the databases that main was using called "support".
> > However now when I run support I get the error
> > the psycopg2.ProgrammingError: relation "support_topics" already exists.
> > Ideally the code would be smart enough to know we don't want to re-create
> > that table. I am assuming this error is there to help prevent
> > the accidental overwrite of a table. However it is causing me more
> problems
> > then it is worth.
> >
> > What if we had an option were we can turn that error off and on?
> Currently
> > I have 5 developers working on a project so sometimes when they commit
> code
> > I need to delete my database and rebuild just to prevent this error.
> >
> > --
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Bruce Wadehttp://

Bruce Wade

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