Hi Ramiro! Nice to have more Brazilians in web2py community!

Generally you can just take/open an issue, solve and submit a patch to
Massimo (if you are using github, you can just fork and send a pull
however it is a good idea to "ping" the whole group, so others can help
with the issue, besides this group, there is *

I think the best practice is to discuss "web2py internals" on *
web2py-developers* group, and here in users group just announce that you
are working on a topic and ask for users tests.

welcome to web2py group!


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:56 AM, Ramiro B. da Luz <ramiro...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello All.
> I met Massimo at the PyConUS and joined the sprints with Mariano.
> I am trying to help this week, but I don't know the best practices here.
> I think the best way to know it is to ask.
> Well, I was playing with tests and found one failing test:
> testUnicodeToAsciiUrl
> #label is too long
> I would like to know the maximum label size and how is the best attitude,
> maybe
> I have to write to the group and tell that I will work with this issue
> or I can just
> work and fill an issue and submit a patch?
> Suggestions are appreciated.
> Best regards.
> --
> --
> -- Ramiro Batista da Luz
> -- ramiro...@gmail.com
> -- (41) 9173-2231
> -- http://www.ramiroluz.eti.br
> -- Programador || Câmara Municipal de Curitiba


Bruno Rocha

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