Il 14/03/2012 18:09, Alan Etkin ha scritto:
You can create a widget function that creates the original widget and
returns it modified:

def mycustomwidget():
     new_widget = SQLFORM.widgets.autocomplete(request,, limitby=(0,10), min_length=2)
     ... # modify the helper
     return new_widget

db.mytable.myfield.widget = mycustomwidget

Other (better I think) way is to inherit the widget classes in a
custom class

class mycustomwidget(SQFFORM.widgets.widgetname):
     # method overriding code

I tryed this second way but without success maybe because of different situations in which request is called in the same code line of

in my modules file (for example

from sqlhtml import AutocompleteWidget
class smartAutocompleteWidget(AutocompleteWidget):

def __init__(self, request, field, help_fields=[], help_string='%s', **kwargs):
        self.help_string = help_string
        hList = ['%s' for i in help_fields]
        if hList:
            self.help_string += ' (%s)' % '; '.join(hList)
        self.help_fields = help_fields
        AutocompleteWidget.__init__(self, request, field, **kwargs)

    def callback(self):

        if self.keyword in self.request.vars:
            field = self.fields[0]
rows = self.db([self.keyword]+'%'))\ .select(orderby=self.orderby,limitby=self.limitby,*self.fields)
            if rows:
                if self.is_reference:
                    id_field = self.fields[1]
#                    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
raise HTTP(200,SELECT(_id=self.keyword,_class='autocomplete', _size=len(rows),_multiple=(len(rows)==1), *[OPTION(self.help_string % tuple([s[] for h in self.fields[:1]+self.help_fields]), _value=s[],
                                                   _selected=(k==0)) \
for k,s in enumerate(rows)]).xml())
raise HTTP(200,SELECT(_id=self.keyword,_class='autocomplete', _size=len(rows),_multiple=(len(rows)==1),
                                                   _selected=(k==0)) \
for k,s in enumerate(rows)]).xml())

                raise HTTP(200,'')

in my controller:

def foo():
    from test import smartAutocompleteWidget
    autocomplete_widget = smartAutocompleteWidget(
request, db.meta_fields.field_name,, help_fields=[])
    form = SQLFORM.factory(
        Field('field_name', widget=autocomplete_widget))
    return dict(form=form)


and this is the ticket error I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/gluon/", line 204, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/applications/dev_meta_db/controllers/", line 296, in <module> File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/gluon/", line 172, in <lambda>
    self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/gluon/", line 2533, in f
    return action(*a, **b)
File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/applications/dev_meta_db/controllers/", line 145, in add_field_to_table request, db.meta_fields.field_name,, help_fields=[]) File "applications/dev_meta_db/modules/", line 156, in __init__
    AutocompleteWidget.__init__(self, request, field, **kwargs)
File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/gluon/", line 552, in __init__
    self.url = URL(args=request.args)
File "/home/manuele/Dropbox/sviluppo/web2py-1.99.4/gluon/", line 242, in URL
    raise SyntaxError, 'not enough information to build the url'
SyntaxError: not enough information to build the url

Function argument list
(a=None, c=None, f=None, r=None, args=['1'], vars={}, anchor='', extension=None, env=None, hmac_key=None, hash_vars=True, salt=None, user_signature=None, scheme=None, host=None, port=None, encode_embedded_slash=False)

the four values a=None, c=None, f=None and r=None tell me why I got this error but I cannot understand why the request is differently defined then the case when I use the original autosugestWidget...

Thank you for any help


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