On Friday, March 9, 2012 2:18:58 PM UTC-5, viniciusban wrote:
> Anthony, I'm not supposed to retrieve tens os thousands records from a
> single query in a web app

It's all a question of what each layer is doing. Let's say you have a 
database with 100,000 records. You need a summary:

select sum(cost) from items where (units*unit_cost - :discount >= cost);

where "discount" is an input you received from the web page. You got one 
line of response, but unless you have an index on (units*unit_cost - cost) 
AND a smart optimizer, your database will do a full scan. 

Now, what if your criterion cannot be expressed in SQL at all? You have to 
do the full scan in the app. It might not even take long. However, you need 
all the records in your app to do that.

> I would address this problem to app structure, instead of to DAL.
For my app, a < 10 line change in the call to select (entirely in app code, 
though relying on DAL internals), produced x60 speedup. Restructuring the 
app would have been a much bigger and more risky undertaking. The 
suggestion breaks that 10 line change into two 5 line changes, one inside 
DAL, and one outside -- that makes it much more general, and not dependent 
on DAL internals.

> Anyway, we can execute raw SQL statements via DAL, right?
Yes, that's how my speedup is implemented right now (Issue 
701<http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=701>has all the details)

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