dn: cn=Admin,ou=Groups,dc=domain,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: Admin
gidNumber: 5095
memberUid: root
memberUid: toor
memberUid: smith

2012. március 8., csütörtök 23:46:34 UTC+1 időpontban Aaron a következőt 
> Thank you, sir! This looks just right for my group needs (though I'm not 
> sure how I'd get a list of the current user's groups).
> Also, as I mentioned, I'm new to LDAP, so if you could provide sample LDIF 
> files for the groups, that'd help greatly.
> Unfortunately I'm also using OpenLDAP, so I can't help you test with AD.
> Thanks again.
> On Thursday, March 8, 2012 1:40:29 PM UTC-8, szimszon wrote:
>> Group control is already in ldap_auth.py:
>> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1476/ldap-auth-with-allowed-groups-and-manage-groups
>> And I work now on storing first name, last name, and email user prefs 
>> from ldap. I think I can send a patch to Massimo tomorrow.
>> 2012. március 8., csütörtök 20:25:12 UTC+1 időpontban Aaron a következőt 
>> írta:
>>> Also, what meaning does the @auth.requires_membership() decorator have 
>>> in the context of LDAP authentication?
>>> Based on my limited knowledge of LDAP (pretty much what's on  
>>> http://ldapman.org/articles/intro_to_ldap.html), it doesn't look like 
>>> LDAP implements groups; the closest thing to it would be an entry's 
>>> Distinguished Name/Domain Components.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Aaron
>>> On Thursday, March 8, 2012 6:04:15 AM UTC-8, Aaron wrote:
>>>> I'm using gluon.tools.Auth and the default ldap_auth login_method to 
>>>> provide access control to my web2py application.
>>>> Now, once the user has successfully logged in (@auth.require_login() 
>>>> passes), I want to find out which user is logged in, and some of this 
>>>> user's attributes.
>>>> I could get additional information from the LDAP server (using 
>>>> python-ldap) if I knew the user name; however, the only entry I see in 
>>>> Auth<http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/epydoc/web2py.gluon.tools.Auth-class.html>
>>>>  that 
>>>> provides similar information is Auth.user_id, and I don't know how this ID 
>>>> maps to the current user's LDAP username.
>>>> More generally, is there a good way for me to take control of my 
>>>> application's interaction with our LDAP server, while still leveraging the 
>>>> many built-ins Auth has to offer?
>>>> Should I modify the ldap_auth login_method to store the username and 
>>>> password information in the session object?
>>>> Should I write my own custom login_method? If so, what resources exist 
>>>> to help me along?
> On Thursday, March 8, 2012 1:40:29 PM UTC-8, szimszon wrote:
>> Group control is already in ldap_auth.py:
>> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1476/ldap-auth-with-allowed-groups-and-manage-groups
>> And I work now on storing first name, last name, and email user prefs 
>> from ldap. I think I can send a patch to Massimo tomorrow.
>> 2012. március 8., csütörtök 20:25:12 UTC+1 időpontban Aaron a következőt 
>> írta:
>>> Also, what meaning does the @auth.requires_membership() decorator have 
>>> in the context of LDAP authentication?
>>> Based on my limited knowledge of LDAP (pretty much what's on  
>>> http://ldapman.org/articles/intro_to_ldap.html), it doesn't look like 
>>> LDAP implements groups; the closest thing to it would be an entry's 
>>> Distinguished Name/Domain Components.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Aaron
>>> On Thursday, March 8, 2012 6:04:15 AM UTC-8, Aaron wrote:
>>>> I'm using gluon.tools.Auth and the default ldap_auth login_method to 
>>>> provide access control to my web2py application.
>>>> Now, once the user has successfully logged in (@auth.require_login() 
>>>> passes), I want to find out which user is logged in, and some of this 
>>>> user's attributes.
>>>> I could get additional information from the LDAP server (using 
>>>> python-ldap) if I knew the user name; however, the only entry I see in 
>>>> Auth<http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/epydoc/web2py.gluon.tools.Auth-class.html>
>>>>  that 
>>>> provides similar information is Auth.user_id, and I don't know how this ID 
>>>> maps to the current user's LDAP username.
>>>> More generally, is there a good way for me to take control of my 
>>>> application's interaction with our LDAP server, while still leveraging the 
>>>> many built-ins Auth has to offer?
>>>> Should I modify the ldap_auth login_method to store the username and 
>>>> password information in the session object?
>>>> Should I write my own custom login_method? If so, what resources exist 
>>>> to help me along?

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