Hi all A crud.select on the object-table does only display the ID of the corresponding location, and not as expected ( '%(id)s: %(country)s, %(city)s, %(street)s, %(name)s' ). What is wrong here? Do I have to restart the webserver if I change the format part of define_table?
Cheers -Luca. db.define_table('object', Field('name'), Field('description', 'text'), Field('location', db.location), format = '%(name)s', singular = 'Object', plural = 'Objects') db.define_table('location', Field('name', 'string', required=True, notnull=True), Field('street', length=400), Field('city', length=40), Field('country', length=40), format = '%(id)s: %(country)s, %(city)s, %(street)s, %(name)s', singular = 'Location', plural = 'Locations') def select(): db.object.location.represent = lambda location, row: \ A(location,_href=URL('location', 'update', args=(location.id), user_signature=True)) db.object.name.represent = lambda name, row: \ A(name,_href=URL('object', 'update', args=(row.id), user_signature=True)) form = crud.select(table=db.object) return dict(form=form)