This should tell web2py to display the name instead of the id in references
db.define_table('account', ..., format='%(name)s') You can find more info in the book's chapter 6.5, "Record representation" On 7 mar, 20:52, Edward Shave <> wrote: > *I have the following table definition...* > * > * > *db.define_table('account', > * > * Field('name'),* > * Field('transfer_acc','reference account'), > * > * )* > * > = IS_NOT_EMPTY() > * > * > db.account.transfer_acc.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,,'%(name)s') > > ...Note the table contains a self referencing field. > > * > *The reference field displays the referenced id in sqltable... What is best > way to replace id with name of account? *