Hello all

I'm new to python and web2py, and I'm evaluating them to make new 
developments accessing legacy databases (MSSQL 2000, MySQL 3 and MySQL 5 ).
I've tried the connection strings shown in the web2py book, but I can 
connect only to MySQL 5.

- The error connecting to MySQL 3 is "access denied for user 
@databaseServer (using password: NO)", because no username or password is 
passed to the server .
Is it a problem with pymysql? Searching in google, I found the python 
module "MySQLdb" and with that module I can connect to both MySQL 3 and 5. 
Could I configure web2py to use MySQLdb instead of pymysql?

- The error connecting to MSSQL says that I don't specify a DSN or driver

I am using CENTOS 6 (64bits) + python 2.6 + apache + mod_wsgi
I'd appreciate any help, thanks in advance

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