I should read the docs... I know...
but the quick question is why all connection appear from localhost?
With proper ip header rewriting rules that should not happen.


Il 01 marzo 2012 04:49, drelyn86 <drelki...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> It just forwards the connection like a reverse proxy, so no MITM is caused.
> Why would I need to completely disable session cookies?
> Anyway... I was thinking about this more, and I remembered that the current
> scaffolding app's method of preventing security breaches through generic
> views is by disabling generic views unless you are on localhost (see line 27
> of models/db.py in version 1.99.4). Since everything on SSL appears to be
> coming from localhost while using SSLH, I should disable generic patterns
> completely.
> On Monday, February 27, 2012 8:41:30 AM UTC-5, Ross Peoples wrote:
>> I would be interested to see if SSH can actually be forwarded without
>> triggering a main-in-the-middle error.
>> I'm not sure on the first question, but I would guess that you would want
>> to disable everything except your app.
>> At the bottom of the db.py model, just put "session.forget(request)". This
>> will still create cookies, I think but will not actually use them. Not sure
>> on this one. Maybe someone else has a better answer for turning cookies off
>> completely.
>> In your model, I would also disable anything you don't need: db, mail,
>> auth, etc.
>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 1:09:21 PM UTC-5, t13one wrote:
>>> I'm thinking about setting up SSLH on my personal server.
>>> From http://freecode.com/projects/sslh:
>>> ----
>>> > sslh accepts HTTPS, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, and XMPP connections on the
>>> > same port. This makes it possible to connect to any of these servers
>>> > on port 443 (e.g., from inside a corporate firewall, which almost
>>> > never blocks port 443) while still serving HTTPS on that port.
>>> In short summary (and to my limited understanding), SSLH works by
>>> forwarding the connection from the sslh daemon to either the ssh server
>>> or the web-server (among other options). This means all SSL connections
>>> will ultimately appear to be connecting to apache/web2py via
>>> Are there any security concerns with this? Should I disable admin and
>>> appadmin completely?
>>> How are session cookies affected?
>>> Would any other functionality be affected?
>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 1:09:21 PM UTC-5, t13one wrote:
>>> I'm thinking about setting up SSLH on my personal server.
>>> From http://freecode.com/projects/sslh:
>>> ----
>>> > sslh accepts HTTPS, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, and XMPP connections on the
>>> > same port. This makes it possible to connect to any of these servers
>>> > on port 443 (e.g., from inside a corporate firewall, which almost
>>> > never blocks port 443) while still serving HTTPS on that port.
>>> In short summary (and to my limited understanding), SSLH works by
>>> forwarding the connection from the sslh daemon to either the ssh server
>>> or the web-server (among other options). This means all SSL connections
>>> will ultimately appear to be connecting to apache/web2py via
>>> Are there any security concerns with this? Should I disable admin and
>>> appadmin completely?
>>> How are session cookies affected?
>>> Would any other functionality be affected?

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