Is the corruption of download and upload during slow connection fixed
(Rocket problem) ?



On 2/29/12, Mariano Reingart <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Richard Galka <>
> wrote:
>> A couple minor points with the admin pages and the new debugging section:
>> In the Admin -> Debug -> breakpoints -> Add breakpoints section, if the
>> current application has long directory & file names then the table's hints
>> run off the page.
> Something similar occurs when you catch an exception (debug
> interaction page, right pane).
> Maybe wrapping long filenames could be done with css.
> I've uploaded some screenshots at the issue:
> If anyone can send a css patch or a better form/layout, it would be
> appreciated.
>> I think it may be pertinent to identify that in the above section, only
>> breakpoints set through the web editor are identified. (IE: direct file
>> edit
>> adding breakpoints work, but are not identified in the 'breakpoints'
>> section).
> That's correct,  set_trace is not a real breakpoint, it just forces
> the debugger to stop at that line.
> Maybe the tip should be changed from "programatically setting
> breakpoint using..." to something better.
> Best regards,
> Mariano Reingart

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