You can have two auth objects and you can swicth between them using
for example  a session variable or a parameter in the URL. Yet is is
going to be a mess.

I suggest instead you use one auth table and user roles and
permissions to decide who can do what.


On Feb 28, 4:12 pm, greenpoise <> wrote:
> Sorry, I pressed enter without being finished:
> My second option
> 2. Build a table called employee that uses only one auth table.
> Either way I am stuck on how to do this.. First would like to know
> which is a good practice and second, how could I accomplish this??
> Thanks
> dan
> On Feb 28, 2:10 pm, greenpoise <> wrote:
> > I have been searching in this group for a way of implementing two
> > authentication within one application. My idea is to have Auth table
> > managed by an administrator. However, I want to give the flexibility
> > to added users to add their own employees and the employees being able
> > to log into the application. My question is, is this a good practice?
> > would it work??
> > I can think of two options:
> > 1. Having a second auth table and login process separate from the main
> > auth table

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