> If there's a better way here, plaese let me know. The following should 
> work for you:
> def show_image():
>     """
>     return image - this method is referenced from the view - see below
>     """    
>     if not request.args[0]:  return None
>     id = request.args[0]
>     image=db(db.imgtbl.id==id).select()    
>     return image[0].image_blob
> my view code
>   {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>   <h3>Display Jpeg Images</h3>
>   <table border="1">
>     <tr>
>        <th>Image Title</th>
>        <th>Image</th>         
>     </tr>
>     {{for img in images:}}
>         <tr>
>             {{= TD(img.title)}}
>             {{= TD(IMG(_src=URL("show_image", args=img.id), 
> _alt=img.title)) }}            
>         </tr>
>     {{pass}}
>   </table>

You could define an upload field (maybe called 'image'), which will rename 
the file and store the new filename, and then define the blob field as the 
associated image storage field. Then, assuming the 'images' object in your 
view is a set of records from the 'imgtbl' table, the URL would be:

URL("show_image", args=img.image)

Then, the show_image function would just be:

def show_image():
    return response.download(request, db)


On Monday, February 27, 2012 5:48:58 PM UTC-5, BrendanC wrote:
> Peter,
> I was trying to get this to work last week and this is what finally worked 
> for me. 
> Here's a link to my earlier thread on the same topic.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/web2py/1h3Nd3_T9Js
> In my case I'm storing small blobs in the table/model - although that's 
> not the best approach.
> However I was surprised that I has to make an explicit reference to the 
> blob field, as I expected 
> that to be handled implicitly.
> If there's a better way here, plaese let me know. The following should 
> work for you:
> def show_image():
>     """
>     return image - this method is referenced from the view - see below
>     """    
>     if not request.args[0]:  return None
>     id = request.args[0]
>     image=db(db.imgtbl.id==id).select()    
>     return image[0].image_blob
> my view code
>   {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>   <h3>Display Jpeg Images</h3>
>   <table border="1">
>     <tr>
>        <th>Image Title</th>
>        <th>Image</th>         
>     </tr>
>     {{for img in images:}}
>         <tr>
>             {{= TD(img.title)}}
>             {{= TD(IMG(_src=URL("show_image", args=img.id), 
> _alt=img.title)) }}            
>         </tr>
>     {{pass}}
>   </table>   
> On Monday, February 27, 2012 12:01:55 PM UTC-8, howesc wrote:
>> i'm using the blobstore so i can upload images larger than 1mb.  because 
>> of that i have access to 
>> http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/images/functions.html#Image_get_serving_urlwhich
>>  gives a URL that google serves up the image (and does not count 
>> against CPU for your app engine app).
>> my image upload is a variant of 
>> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slices/take_slice/63
>> cfh.
>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 6:13:14 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:19:17 AM UTC-5, Peter G. wrote:
>>>> How would one obtain the URL to a image blob stored on GAE's 
>>>> datastore? A lot of the threads I've looked at were all for generating 
>>>> an download output for views, but I need this for the Controller since 
>>>> I'm returning this as a JSON element. 
>>>> For example, the auth_user table has a field 'avatar' and another blob 
>>>> field 'avatar_blob'. Ideally I can simply return a JSON like: 
>>>> { "avatar": "http://<domain>/<app>/avatars/username_avatar.gif" } 
>>>> Where username_avatar.gif would map to the stored blob image for that 
>>>> user's avatar.
>>> Assuming you use web2py's standard "upload" field type to upload the 
>>> images, then you would still use the standard download process as well. See 
>>> the "Uploading files in database" section in 
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/13 for details on setting up 
>>> database storage of uploads. And for downloading, see the 
>>> response.download description here: 
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#response. In your case, it 
>>> would be something like:
>>> db.define_table('auth_user',
>>>     ...,
>>>     Field('avatar', 'upload', uploadfield='avatar_blob'),
>>>     Field('avatar_blob', 'blob'), ...)
>>> def download():
>>>     return response.download(request, db)
>>> URL for a particular user's avatar:
>>> URL('default', 'download', args=auth.user.avatar)
>>> Anthony
>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 6:13:14 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:19:17 AM UTC-5, Peter G. wrote:
>>>> How would one obtain the URL to a image blob stored on GAE's 
>>>> datastore? A lot of the threads I've looked at were all for generating 
>>>> an download output for views, but I need this for the Controller since 
>>>> I'm returning this as a JSON element. 
>>>> For example, the auth_user table has a field 'avatar' and another blob 
>>>> field 'avatar_blob'. Ideally I can simply return a JSON like: 
>>>> { "avatar": "http://<domain>/<app>/avatars/username_avatar.gif" } 
>>>> Where username_avatar.gif would map to the stored blob image for that 
>>>> user's avatar.
>>> Assuming you use web2py's standard "upload" field type to upload the 
>>> images, then you would still use the standard download process as well. See 
>>> the "Uploading files in database" section in 
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/13 for details on setting up 
>>> database storage of uploads. And for downloading, see the 
>>> response.download description here: 
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#response. In your case, it 
>>> would be something like:
>>> db.define_table('auth_user',
>>>     ...,
>>>     Field('avatar', 'upload', uploadfield='avatar_blob'),
>>>     Field('avatar_blob', 'blob'), ...)
>>> def download():
>>>     return response.download(request, db)
>>> URL for a particular user's avatar:
>>> URL('default', 'download', args=auth.user.avatar)
>>> Anthony
>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 6:13:14 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:19:17 AM UTC-5, Peter G. wrote:
>>>> How would one obtain the URL to a image blob stored on GAE's 
>>>> datastore? A lot of the threads I've looked at were all for generating 
>>>> an download output for views, but I need this for the Controller since 
>>>> I'm returning this as a JSON element. 
>>>> For example, the auth_user table has a field 'avatar' and another blob 
>>>> field 'avatar_blob'. Ideally I can simply return a JSON like: 
>>>> { "avatar": "http://<domain>/<app>/avatars/username_avatar.gif" } 
>>>> Where username_avatar.gif would map to the stored blob image for that 
>>>> user's avatar.
>>> Assuming you use web2py's standard "upload" field type to upload the 
>>> images, then you would still use the standard download process as well. See 
>>> the "Uploading files in database" section in 
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/13 for details on setting up 
>>> database storage of uploads. And for downloading, see the 
>>> response.download description here: 
>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#response. In your case, it 
>>> would be something like:
>>> db.define_table('auth_user',
>>>     ...,
>>>     Field('avatar', 'upload', uploadfield='avatar_blob'),
>>>     Field('avatar_blob', 'blob'), ...)
>>> def download():
>>>     return response.download(request, db)
>>> URL for a particular user's avatar:
>>> URL('default', 'download', args=auth.user.avatar)
>>> Anthony

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