> I think the behaviour of "compute=" is not good. Most people need
> calculated field which ALWAYS follow the source values and not just ONCE.
> So I have found in google group, lot of people fall through the time in
> same problem and there is still no clear solution.
> I now need this for Markmin source and calculated Html output (both fields
> in same table)
> I have solved this so:
> ...Field('html', compute = lambda row: MARKMIN(row.markmin).xml())...
> and in addition I use "onaccept" method in form:
> def post_forcecompute(form):
> row = db.post(form.vars.id)
> row.update_record(html=db.post.html.compute(row))
> crud_post.settings.update_onaccept = post_forcecompute
> This works, however it is not very good workaround, because it is
> neccessary to solve it in form, instead of in the model :(
> Mirek