
I have 2 tables : business and article.

And I have 3 controllers : Home, Articles, Businesses.

In Home page the following code renders a list of Businesses and Articles:
         def index(): 
lists= db().select(db.article.ALL,limitby=(0, 5),orderby=~db.article.id)
return dict(lists=lists,listings=listings)

with a loop in the home view file.

So I want to link articles to the Articles controller and Businesses to the 
Business controller from the home page...I have used the following code:

def show(): 
myid == request.vars.id
  redirect(URL(c='businesses',f='show?id=%s'% myid))

So even articles list will link to Business controller now using the 
function show in Bunsiess controller, but I wanna use if and elif according 
to the respective listing.

Can someone help me out.....

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