All, I am sorry for my late reply. @Anthony, you are a genius - Problem 1 in this thread got resolved with - [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_EMAIL() , IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, '')] db.reguser.unique_code.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, '') Problem 3 got resolved with - ( if the limit I wanted is 256kb ) Field('attach_file','upload', default='', requires=IS_LENGTH(262144)) I am working on Problem No2 - [Suggested Solution by Anthony below- ] If it is OK for the images to be publicly accessible, you could upload them to the /static folder instead of /uploads -- in that case, once initially loaded by the browser, the browser should cache them for subsequent displays. Otherwise, if you are using the download() function to download from the /uploads folder, you could add some logic to the download function to have it set the response headers to tell the browser to cache the images (i.e., same as static files) -- you could use a URL arg or var as a flag to tell the download function to do that. I think both solutions look good, I am figuring out how to go with either. Thanks @Pbreit - I am actually not using Auth to setup this user thing. I've written my own Auth for custom handling of code. Thanks Thanks & Regards, Rahul D ( - Currently working on Build Connect a controlled website for posting updates, projects and socializing ------------------- On Feb 13, 4:35 am, pbreit <> wrote: > I suggest, if possible, using auth_user as the user table. You can easily > add fields: