       I am sorry for my late reply. @Anthony, you are a genius -

Problem 1 in this thread got resolved with  - [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_EMAIL() ,
IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, '')]
db.reguser.unique_code.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, '')

Problem 3 got resolved with - ( if the limit I wanted is 256kb )
  Field('attach_file','upload', default='',

I am working on Problem No2 - [Suggested Solution by Anthony below- ]

If it is OK for the images to be publicly accessible, you could upload
to the /static folder instead of /uploads -- in that case, once
loaded by the browser, the browser should cache them for subsequent
displays. Otherwise, if you are using the download() function to
from the /uploads folder, you could add some logic to the download
to have it set the response headers to tell the browser to cache the
(i.e., same as static files) -- you could use a URL arg or var as a
flag to
tell the download function to do that.

I think both solutions look good, I am figuring out how to go with
either. Thanks

@Pbreit - I am actually not using Auth to setup this user thing. I've
written my own Auth for custom handling of code. Thanks

Thanks & Regards,

Rahul D ( - Currently working on Build Connect a
controlled website for posting updates, projects and socializing

On Feb 13, 4:35 am, pbreit <> wrote:
> I suggest, if possible, using auth_user as the user table. You can easily
> add fields:

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