I've been experimenting with creating virtual fields and have come across 
what may be a possible bug when
they are created via old style (class definitions). 

I created a small table with 3 fields (ID, Name and dob). I've added some 
virtual fields to compute the age in days using all the options defined in 
the docs.  

I see the following (unexpected results) (See the test code below)

1) For old style (class defined vf's) - Results returned from virtual 
fields computations are incorrect. The same value for all records is shown 
(the last value in the table is displayed in each case)

2) For New style vfs: - Correct results are returned:

Is there bug in my code, or has anyone seen this behaviour before?

Below is sample o/p from my tests and the test program

Vclass : name: fred; dayage: 34427
Vclass : name: joe; dayage: 18730
Vclass : name: harry; dayage: 15382

Name: fred; DOB: 1917-11-10 12:00:00;
 **** Using VF Class:   Age (class): 15382; Age(Lazy); 15382; Age(Lazy 
Lambda): 15382
 **** Using New Style VFs: Age (new style): 34427; Age(new style (Lazy)); 

Name: joe; DOB: 1960-11-01 12:00:00;
 **** Using VF Class:   Age (class): 15382; Age(Lazy); 15382; Age(Lazy 
Lambda): 15382
 **** Using New Style VFs: Age (new style): 18730; Age(new style (Lazy)); 

Name: harry; DOB: 1970-01-01 12:00:00;
 **** Using VF Class:   Age (class): 15382; Age(Lazy); 15382; Age(Lazy 
Lambda): 15382
 **** Using New Style VFs: Age (new style): 15382; Age(new style (Lazy)); 

****** Test Code ******

import os, sys
sdir = '/home/web2py'

    from gluon import DAL, Field
except ImportError as err:
    print('gluon path not found')
# target db - sqlite    
db = DAL("sqlite://mydb.sqlite")    

# define view/table
# db view testing
# define some virtual fields here (psa stale, fustale)
    Field('name', type='string'),
    Field('dob', type='datetime'),

import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now()

# define new style virtual fields - age in days (aid)
db.person.virtual_aid =Field.Virtual(lambda row : (now - 
row.person.dob).days )
db.person.lazy_aid =Field.Lazy(lambda row : (now - row.person.dob).days )
# lambda version
class   MyVf(object):

    # define a new virtual field value
    def vfclass_aid(self):
        self.daycount = (now - self.person.dob).days
        print 'Vclass : dayage: %s' %self.daycount
        return lambda : self.daycount
    # define a lazy vf
    def vfclass_lazy_aid(self):
        def lazy(self=self):
            return (now - self.person.dob).days
        return lazy
    # define a lazy lambda vf
    def vfclass_lazy_lambda_aid(self):
            return lambda self= self: (now - self.person.dob).days
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import datetime
    dtstart = datetime.datetime.now()
    print '\n>>>>Starting at: %s <<<<\n' %dtstart.ctime()
    # create virtual field (using a class)
    for item in db(db.person).select():
        print '\nName: %s; DOB: %s;'%(item.name, item.dob)
        print '\t **** Using VF Class:  \t\tAge (class): %s;\t\tAge(Lazy); 
%s;\t Age(Lazy Lambda): %s' \
                %(item.vfclass_aid(), item.vfclass_lazy_aid(), 
item.vfclass_lazy_lambda_aid() )
        print '\t **** Using New Style VFs: \tAge (new style): %s; 
\tAge(new style (Lazy)); %s ' \
                %(item.virtual_aid, item.lazy_aid())
    dtend = datetime.datetime.now()
    print '\n>>>>Ending at: %s <<<<\n' %dtend.ctime()

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