For instance, I created a method that returns the progress of the task
that I am running
I guess my questions could collapse into this example:

in a db file

def plugin_run(plugin, **kw):
    plugin_obj = load_plugin(plugin, **kw)
    return #this shall be a dictionary for
appearing in results properly

myscheduler = Scheduler(db_tasks, dict(plugin_run=plugin_run))

Eventually that plugin_obj will be picked up by a worker...
now, that it is running it is taking a lot of time and I wanted to do
something like..
from db_scheduler_worker where it is running task with
call "plugin_obj.progress()" defined inside

On Feb 10, 5:39 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> Not sure I understand. You do not call scheduled_workers functions.
> You schedule tasks. Workers pick them up from queue an execute them
> using the available power.
> On Feb 10, 4:54 am, blackthorne <> wrote:
> > - Is it possible to call scheduled_workers functions asynchronously?
> > How?
> > - How should I adapt the behavior of a scheduled_worker as changing
> > its model and adding new functionality?
> > Thank you

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