> Does it makes sense to popup the password field if it's None from the dict?

I think it does, as doing otherwise would limit the authentication
feature. If you don't want to ask for password in an authentication
form, you could customize the form validation to set/get a password

Anyway, I am not sure if when using janrain login it is possible to
configure passwords. It seems that it doesn't

On 7 feb, 20:07, Ricardo Pedroso <rmdpedr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm evaluatind multiple logins using the normal auth form + janrain in
> web2py 1.99.4
> It's working almost as I was expecting, but when I do the following steps:
> 1) login with janrain (in my case using google)
> 2) I'm sucessfully logged in my app.
>     I go to /myap/default/user/change_password and cannot change my pass
>     because I don't have one yet to fill the "old password" field.
> 3) I got to appadmin and setup a pass for my user
> 4) I logout and login using my email/pass in auth form. It works
> 5) Now I logout and login using janrain and my previous password was blanked
> I try to debug it and found that in step 5 the pass is being blanked
> in gluon/tools.py:
>     def get_or_create_user(self, keys):
>         (...)
>         if user:
>             print table_user, keys
>             user.update_record(**table_user._filter_fields(keys))
>         (...)
> I added a print statement and it gives me:
> auth_user {'first_name': u'Ricardo',
>                 'last_name': u'Pedroso',
>                 'registration_id': u'https://www.google.com/profiles/....',
>                 'password': None,
>                 'registration_key': '',
>                 'email': u'em...@example.com'}
> Note that the 'registration_id' and 'email' fields are not the ones I
> get, I just edit them to post here.
> The field that matters for this case is the 'password': None.
> Is where my pass is being blanked, right?
> Can this be avoid?
> Does it makes sense to popup the password field if it's None from the dict?
> A more general question, does it make sense to use auth form+janrain?
> The code I'm using that is different from the scaffold app:
> models/db.py:
> --------------------
> (....)
> auth.define_tables()
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.extended_login_form import ExtendedLoginForm
> other_form = RPXAccount(request,
>     api_key='mykey',
>     domain='mydomain',
>     url = "http://localhost:8000/%s/default/user/login"; % request.application)
> auth.settings.login_form = ExtendedLoginForm(auth, other_form,
> signals=['token'])
> (...)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Ricardo

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