strange, really :D

I don't mind if that turns out in the logging, but I have the same behaviour

niphlod@platypus:~$ uwsgi-python --version

I use uwsgi-python in production /usr/bin/uwsgi-python . If I recall 
correctly that is a symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/uwsgi-python', and 
that one is afile  symbolic link to `/usr/bin/uwsgi-python2.6' 
I then have a /usr/bin/uwsgi that is the result of pip-installing uwsgi 
package: actually I'm experimenting on dropping the uwsgi-python package 
(some real mess to understand clearly, at least for me, especially with its 
/etc/init.d scripts) . With the emperor mode it's really easier to manage 
apps.... Maybe some "shared libraries" between versions ? 

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