Thanks a lot, Niphlod.
It seems that's my environment issue, I created a new project with
"colorus" plugin and the "Delete" in grid works just fine.
Thanks again.

On Feb 8, 8:54 pm, Niphlod <> wrote:
> Uhm, strange. If you see the table from the admin app, after you delete the
> record there is still the same record on the table ?
> This question arises because "delete" attaches a small javascript "onclick"
> of the delete button that fires an ajax request to delete the record and
> then removes the row from the DOM.
> There is the possibility that there's an hiccup in the javascript on the
> page, that stops this from happening.
> Also, there is the possibility that the ajax request is fired but not the
> piece of the "removal" of the row from the actual grid.
> Just see if the ajax request is made when you press the button or if there
> are any errors debugging the page, e.g. with firebug.

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