
While working through the book I got to the part in chapter 3 mywiki where 
you replace

"def call()..." function with


service = Service()

def find_by(keyword):
     "finds pages that contain keyword for XML-RPC"
     return db(db.page.title.contains(keyword).select().as_list()

def call():
    "exposes all registered services, including XML-RPC"
    return service()

in default.py

However, I get a compile error saying:
"failed to compile because:
SyntaxError at line 96 at char 2
invalid syntax (C:web2py/applications/mywiki/controllers/default/py, line 96)

I have little to no experience programming in Python so i bet this is an 
easy error for you guys to spot. Thank youin advance for your help.


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