For now I've solved setting the WSGIScriptAlias to /w2p and in
> routes_out = ((r'/(?P<any>.*)', r'/w2p/\g<any>'),) Any comments are welcome for something cleaner, but I fear that "reverse rewriting" for URL() is only possible if set inside Am I wrong? giovanni On 8 Feb, 18:45, giovanni allegri <> wrote: > I've seen a lot of examples to manage url rewriting and proxying with > web2py, but I haven't found a solution to my problem. > I don't have much experience with mod_rewrite, but I would like to use > it and avoid rewriting inside web2py (through its routes facilites). > > My situation is a single domain, where various applications are hosted > through Aliases. > I have path_to_wsgi/applications/myapp, and I would like to serve it > athttp://my.domain.ip/myapp. > The domain root points to another service, so I can't install web2py > to the root. > Is there e ready to use recipe to do it? > > Thanks > giovanni