I have to run web2py on a Windows dev server (before moving the app to a Linux box!) I've tried to setup the minimal apache conf:
WSGIScriptAlias / path_to_web2py\wsgihandler.py <Directory path_to_web2py\wsgihandler.py> AllowOverride None Order Allow,Deny Deny from all <Files wsgihandler.py> Allow from all </Files> </Directory> AliasMatch ^/([^/]+)/static/(.*) path_to_web2py\applications\ $1\static\$2 <Directory path_to_web2py\applications\*\static\> Order Allow,Deny Allow from all </Directory> <Location /admin> Deny from all </Location> <LocationMatch ^/([^/]+)/appadmin> Deny from all </LocationMatch> (path_to_web2py is obviously an obscured path for my real physical path) I will study the problem of moving web2py to a sublocation (I can't keep it to the server root), but alos this first configuration doesn't work for me. If I browse to http://localhost/, I expect to see the default applications, instead I get an Access Denied. The Apache error.log says: [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: path_to_web2py/wsgihandler.py What am I doing wrong? giovanni