Hi, I'm moving my first steps ith web2py. I'm considering it to setup a REST service where a user can upload (zipped) sqlite DBs and view/edit their content through a web interface. The db structure is fixed (it's the storage of a desktop application), so I can define a model for it, but I wonder if it's possible to use DAL dynamically. This is the workflow:
1 - the user uploads the file 2 - the user accesses a certain page where the uploaded DBs are listed (I keep the list in a simple model) 3 - the user click on a DB and a page is opened with various options to edit its contents. At this point web2py should expose a model bound to the specific DB. I'm going to try the following way: 1 - define a method inside a model (e.g. inside /models/dynmodel.py) which takes the DB path as an argument and the instanciate a DAL object for it. 2 - do a DAL.define_table.... and here come my doubts. What happens when I do e define_table on a DB when the table already exists? I would like to know if someone has already solved a similar need, and if there are "best practices" do do that in web2py. thanks, giovanni