Where would I add these?

I am really mystified how the auth() class call receives the method as
its argument from these urls assuming that the user action looks like:

def user()
   return dict(form=auth())

How does this instance of the call to auth() get a method call?

I am really mystified about how one can index the request.args using
parens instead of square braces?

as in:

 <h2>{{=T( request.args(0).replace('_',' ').capitalize() )}}</h2>


 {{if request.args(0)=='login':}}

Request.args is a storage class "list" so it should be indexed as

These kinds of syntax inconsistencies are sort of bad.

(Another example occurs with the rows object but that is off-topic.
For now I just want to get this auth stuff working.)

On Jan 31, 10:16 pm, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 1, 2012 12:23:54 AM UTC-5, Lewis wrote:
> > Thanks.
> > So, would I expand the default form to include buttons to access the
> > other methods?  Not sure how to expose those...
> You just have to add links pointing to those URLs (e.g., URL('default',
> 'user', args='change_password')). Note, each of those functions is a method
> of the Auth class, so you can also create a special action for any given
> function by directly calling the method. For example:
> def register():
>     return dict(form=auth.register())
> Guess I am ok on hashing but should probably look at using the key.
> Yes, hmac is recommended and will be more secure.
> Anthony

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