> > Just tried it -> same results. > FYI, I'm only using the interactive python shell to illustrate the > problem I face I my app... >
When you use the -M option to load your models, are you then still doing this in your shell session: >>> db = DAL('postgres://postgres:********@localhost/courier') If so, don't -- the db object will already be defined when your db.py file is executed, and the above will end up overwriting it (and therefore losing all of its table definitions from db.py). Just do: python web2py.py -S courier -M -N >>> db.tables (Note the -N option -- that prevents cron from starting.) If you're using the DAL outside of a web2py app, then you'll still need to create model definitions (i.e., with db.define_table) in your code -- the DAL doesn't know what tables and fields are in your db unless you tell it by defining the models. However, if you have already defined the models in an app somewhere, you might be able to make use of auto_import: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/6#Using-DAL-without-define-tables. Anthony