On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 7:08 AM, amiroff <amir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello crowd!
> I'm relatively new to web2py and being impressed with its feature set
> to build our intranet apps I am currently through my way into reading
> docs. However some major questions to common functionality we
> currently use popped up which I could not find answers to in
> documentation, it would be really nice to get those here:
> 1. How do we configure common settings (mail, auth, sessions, db
> connection) and share theme across all apps as per DRY principle?
> Basically I want to use the same mail, db, auth (active directory) and
> session (not mandatory though) across all apps.

You can have your shared settings in a common python module, and then
import it in your model:

from shared_settings import DB_URI

Although it is a bit different, see how web2conf for an example on how to
store settings in a separate file (it is not imported, but it could be):


> 2. How do we use one common layout file for all apps? Is it possible
> to define a custom placeholder for templates? This is very important
> as we should not repeat ourselves with copying basic common layout,
> css and images into all apps. That would result in maintenance
> nightmare. I read somewhere it was suggested to use symlinks, but it
> kinda breaks the point of compiled templates.

There is not direct support for shared views now, mainly because I think
you may be confused about terminology.
web2py "applications" are the similar to django "projects", so it would be
not required to share views across applications in web2py.

Anyway, a more flexible view rendering system should be possible
(response.render already receives the template filename, extending this to
include a path should not be a major issue, see compileapp.run_view_in)

> 3. What is the best way to create something like front controller? It
> should include common functions for all other controllers in all apps.

According the "wikipedia" definition of  front controllers, web2py
models/controllers implement that pattern, as they "provides a centralized
entry point for handling requests"
You can put common application-wide functions in the models, and specific
function in the controllers, including caching, redirecting, security, etc.

> 4. What are the alternatives to scopes (Rails) or custom model
> managers (Django) and model callbacks/observers (Rails) or signals
> (Django)?

I do not remember any, but there are some discussions on the developer list
to implement some features like signals for data updates.
Also, there are some workaround depending in your needs.

> 5. What is the best place to define view helpers and how to pass them
> to views?

View helpers aren't mandatory in web2py (as a python template language is
But, if you want to have functions to use in the views, you can put then in
the models or in modules.

> And last, is Py3k compatible version under works or planned?

Yes, there are two py3k "unnoficial" versions under development:

a proof of concept running under python 3.2:

a manual attempt to make a python 3 alternative codebase:

You can search this list for further information.

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

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