Thanks DenesL and Anthony so much! Anthony, I don't know who you are or what you do, I just wanted to thank you for all the help you provide to the group. I would've loved to have a coffee with you! I like how you are always among the people who answer my questions! =)
On Feb 6, 3:47 pm, Anthony <> wrote: > On Monday, February 6, 2012 4:32:39 PM UTC-5, shartha wrote: > > > One more question, how can I access the value selected in the drop- > > down menu from within my callback function? Firebug shows under POST > > that there is a Parameter called City with a value that is different > > based on the selected item from the drop-down menu. However, I cannot > > access its value simply by using City in my callback function. > > All the post variables will be in request.post_vars (as well as > request.vars, which also includes everything in request.get_vars), so, it > should be in request.vars.City (as well as request.post_vars.City). > > Anthony