16G is nothing 2day... think about a raster image of UK ! even if it was something smaller, imagine the time saved if you could keep some objects always in memory saving serialization and data loading times....
I don't need nothing really fancy, just something similar to Java Servlets (they keep in memory the objects for the whole servlet life)... googling little bit, I've found this old python framework that implements something like that: http://www.webwareforpython.org/ anybody knows it ? On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com>wrote: > I can't imagine that every request would need to access all 16G every > time. I use a method for caching data between requests using modules. I > don't know if it would be truly shared between requests, or like Niphlod > said, would be duplicated for each request. I have had a lot of success > using modules + singleton pattern to hold small data in memory, but never > used it with anything large. So maybe you should play with this idea and > see how it responds. -- Sebastian E. Ovide