in gluon/ you can find this....

def __init__(self, uri='sqlite://dummy.db',
                 pool_size=0, folder=None,
                 db_codec='UTF-8', check_reserved=None,
                 migrate=True, fake_migrate=False,
                 migrate_enabled=True, fake_migrate_all=False,
                 decode_credentials=False, driver_args=None,
                 adapter_args=None, attempts=5, auto_import=False):

        if not decode_credentials:
            credential_decoder = lambda cred: cred
            credential_decoder = lambda cred: urllib.unquote(cred)

try to quote the credentials and set decode_credentials to True

On Feb 6, 7:18 am, Hugh Barker <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a bit of a problem with my connection string in -
> specifically, the database password has a '@' symbol, and so web2py chokes
> because it assumes this is the delimiter between password and host.
> I had a look at and I guess the regex needs modifying to take this
> case into account. Unfortunately my regex skills are pretty rudimentary - I
> spent an hour or so trying to nut it out, but didn't get anywhere, so I
> thought I'd ask you guys. The code is around line 1800 of
>         uri = uri.split('://')[1]
>         m =
> re.compile('^(?P<user>[^:@]+)(\:(?P<password>[^@]*))?@(?P<host>[^\:@/]+)(\:(?P<port>[0-9]+))?/(?P<db>[^\?]+)(\?sslmode=(?P<sslmode>.+))?$').match(uri)
>         if not m:
>             raise SyntaxError, "Invalid URI string in DAL"
> I can see what it's doing and where it's going wrong, just not how to fix
> it :(
> Any help is appreciated.. I guess the easy option is to change the DB
> password, but unfortunately that isn't an option for me.
> Cheers,
> Hugh.

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