How do they handle backup. That is the one think that sold me to They do daily, weakly and monthly backup of the entire
server. that takes some of my worries away.

On Jan 22, 8:45 pm, Vasile Ermicioi <> wrote:
> hi,
> I just want to recommend webfaction and uwsgi again, even for hosting
> :)
> uwsgi is of version 1.0.21, and from version 1, uwsgi is optimized for low
> resources systems as WAS webfaction
> WAS, now webfaction increased RAM from 80Mb to 256 Mb (app RAM),
> also offers 100Gb space, 600Gb traffic - and the price is half of the
> Linode one
> and I think they handle some security for you (e.g ddos attacks)
> regards

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