I would include it in auth. It should be easy to implement as follows: The inviter creates a new record for the invitee and triggers a request reset password request with an optional custom message. You do not need an extra table for invitations. You may need an extra field for auth_user to store the the id of the person who created the record (invitation) if not self.
On Jan 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > Hi, > > I am planning to develop an "registration requires invitation" to my custom > Auth. > > auth.settings.registration_requires_invitation = True > auth.messages.invitation = \ > 'HI, You have been invited to join XXXXX, click on the link > http://' + self.db.request.env.http_host + \ > self.db.CURL('default', 'user', args=['invite']) + \ > '?invitationkey=%(key)s to register' > > The flow is: > > Registered user goes to /default/user/invite, so the user puts the e-mail of > a friend and auth does: > > Store an invitation key in to auth_invitation table (user_id_who_invited, > invitation_key, invited_id, signature) > Send an email to the invited user with a link to the register page with > ?invitationkey=KFDNJFLDKNFJDLNFJDNF&*9340540985 > Invited user clicks in the link, auth checks if invitation ID exists, so user > are redirected to the register page, if sucess invitation_key is set to NULL, > invited_id is set to the new user id. > The user who invited receives an confirmation email "The user you have > invited registered!" > Auth will have a function bulk_invitation(list_of_emails) so developers can > use to send mass invitation > > Have somebody already implemented this? can share? > > what are the chances to include it in Auth? > > > -- > > Bruno Rocha > [http://rochacbruno.com.br] > > > -- > mail from:GoogleGroups "web2py-developers" mailing list > make speech: web2py-develop...@googlegroups.com > unsubscribe: web2py-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > details : http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-developers > the project: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/ > official : http://www.web2py.com/