the gluon Mail class supports customized headers:

In .send(), the headers kwarg is a "...dictionary of headers to refine
the headers just before sending mail, e.g. ..."

Have you tried to set the mail header to text/plain? Is the email
still being sent as multipart?

Maybe there should be a Mail.send() mail kwarg to pass an
email.message.Mail instance.

On 21 ene, 07:12, LightDot <> wrote:
> The code itself works, mails get properly sent. The problem is on the other
> side - I need to send mails to a pretty aged interface that parses them and
> over which I have no control. It doesn't accept and parse anything that
> isn't plain text, so mails with Content-Type: multipart/mixed and encoded
> contents get rejected.
> I solved the problem temporarily by using smtplib directly. As soon as I
> manually send messages with body simply consisting of:
>  /n Some simple text here. /n/n
> everything works fine, they get parsed properly on the other end.
> Is there is any way to trick web2py's Mail class into sending emails with
> absolutely no body encoding? I looked at the gluon/ in the mean
> time and it seems that what I'm looking for is impossible to achieve trough
> web2py's Mail class. Unless I'm mistaken...
> Anyway, Thanks for looking into this!

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