I am trying to export all rows from two tables, (e.g. purchase orders, and items) into a csv file, but if possible would like to export a single row per each purchase order (with belonging items divided into separate columns of the same row). I'm using MySQL, if it makes the difference.
I read some comments about using the Expression or a function (from gluon.sql import Expression), but don't know how to go about it. Any advise? Thanks, Adnan >>> rows = db(db.purchase_order.id>0).select(db.purchase_order.po_number, db.item.id, left=db.item.on(db.purchase_order.id==db.item.po_id)) >>> print rows results: purchase_order.po_number,item.id 201201120001,31 201201120001,41 201201120001,51 201201120001,61 201201160004,111 201201170005,151 201201006,161 would prefer to have it like this: 201201120001,31,41,51,61 201201160004,111 201201170005,151 201201006,161