Thanks guys, but for the record I know missing keys on request.vars
wasn't returning None in 1.99.2, and when I upgraded it broke my code.
Does anyone have an explanation?

On Jan 3, 1:48 pm, Ross Peoples <> wrote:
> Bruno is correct, and that's the whole point of Storage is that you don't
> have to test request.vars, you just call it. Alternatively, you can treat
> Storage just like any other dict().
> For your example, there are many ways to solve the above example:
> if 'sort' in request.vars:
>     sort = request.vars.sort
> else:
>     sort = 'created'
> And then there's the one-line solution:
> sort = request.vars.get('sort', 'created')
> This line accomplishes the same thing, except better. If request.vars has
> 'sort', then return its value, otherwise return 'created'.

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