I am currently using uwsgi/nginx, and would prefer to stay with that
setup because so many others recommended it.

I saw some web2py examples here at the uwsgi wiki:
Does anyone have experience with configuring uwsgi/nginx to just serve
web2py for certain sub-directories, otherwise static?

I think I need to modify uwsgi/nginx/uwsgi_params or web2py/wsgihandler.py


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can do at the level of the web server. If you are using rocket
> only...
> create an app called dummy and put the static side under dummy/static
> create a routes.py that says:
> routes_in = [('.*:http://domain.com:GET /$anything','/dummy/static/
> $anything')]
> it will map any ($anything) GET request to http://domain.com to /dummy/
> static/$anything
> Notice that in this case you do not need routes_out because the URL
> helper is never used.
> On Jan 2, 9:35 pm, Plumo <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hello,
>> I have an existing static website (generated by jekyll):
>> domain.com
>> domain.com/blog
>> and then I have some web2py apps served under sub-domains:
>> sales.domain.com
>> contact.domain.com
>> For various reasons I want the web2py apps served alongside the static part
>> under sub-directories:
>> domain.com/sales
>> domain.com/contact
>> How would you suggest achieving this?
>> Currently both parts are served by nginx.
>> Richard

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