The problem is accessing to file system. I use Kubuntu 11.10 and WeB2Py 1.99.4 from Debina repository. After some time I get to my web2py server work from Console sudo python web2py/ -a 'password' -i '' -p '8000' and my sudo pass and it is working
I tray to make autostart routine but in this moment without success, I need to have web2py server all time on-line when I start my OS Kubuntu But when I run Web2Py server from GUI (from Icon on desktop) than server start and I have Internal error I presume that I need to change owner of file and folder for web2py but I tray 'me' as user and it is same - - Miroslav Gojic - - + 381 64 014 8868 On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 22:45, Massimo Di Pierro < > wrote: > This is most likely a problem with accessing file system. what os? > > On Dec 29, 11:49 am, miroslavgojic <> wrote: > > When I start web2py I have message: > > > > Internal server error, and link to ticket but I can't open ticket... > > And often it is happen that I can't close web2py server just stay on > > desktop and I can't close the server window. >