I could solve most of my problems using the new fantastic smartgrid.

But i have 2 sugestions for the developers:

in sqlhtml.py

Line 1368 :




to allow i18n


line 1925:

                                    '   ',

                                    ' > ',

to correct separation between first and second steps


Alexandre Andrade

2011/12/26 Alexandre Andrade <alexandrema...@gmail.com>

> Hi Jim,
> Just to know your example of query worked to me.
> Thanks again.
> Alexandre Andrade
> 2011/12/26 Alexandre Andrade <alexandrema...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Jim,
>> Thanks for reply.
>> 1. I will try your example of query/contraints.
>> 2. about represent/lambda issue: i get it working with a workaround, but
>> I think it could be easier.
>> 3. about linked_tables: it works with grid/list, but in view/edit it
>> shows all linked tables. I have some cases I dont want the user see all
>> linked tables, just one or two of them.
>> Regards.
>> 2011/12/26 Jim Steil <j...@qlf.com>
>>>  I don't know why you're having the problems you are.
>>> Regarding the lambda issue, I too have noticed the change, but thought
>>> it worked throughout web2py to always pass the row argument.  However, I'm
>>> no longer using crud so I wouldn't notice that.
>>> Linked tables are working for me.  What do you mean when you say it
>>> doesn't work for view and edit?
>>> Constraints has been working for me - here is a sample:
>>>     #  Build query
>>>     queries = []
>>>     constraints = None
>>>     if searchText and searchText .strip() != '':
>>>         queries.append(db.asset.description.contains(searchText))
>>>     if assetTypeId and assetTypeId > 0:
>>>         queries.append(db.asset.assetTypeId==assetTypeId)
>>>     if len(queries) > 0:
>>>         query = reduce(lambda a,b:(a&b),queries)
>>>         constraints={'asset':query}
>>>     #  Setup search forms
>>>     searchForms = {'asset':assetSearch}
>>>     grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.asset, fields=fields,
>>>                              constraints=constraints, orderby=orderby,
>>>                              create=create, details=details,
>>>                              editable=editable, deletable=deletable,
>>>                              csv=False,
>>> search_widget={'asset':assetSearch},
>>>                              searchable=True,
>>>                              paginate=15, maxtextlength=45)
>>> All of these work ok for me.  Possibly your use cases are different that
>>> mine.  Could you share some detail about what you are seeing that isn't
>>> working for you?
>>>     -Jim
>>> On 12/26/2011 8:23 AM, Alexandre Andrade wrote:
>>> I'm trying to use smartgrid in a app, and could be sucessful in most
>>> parts.
>>> But there are some things stopping, so I'm here asking for help
>>> 1. The old way of use lambda in represent was
>>> represent = lambda field: get_atividade(field)
>>> and now, in some parts of smartgrid and book V4, look as:
>>> represent = lambda field,row : get_atividade(field)
>>> the last works with the grid, but not in form to view and crud.
>>> I solved this using a if statement, but I think that could be
>>> implemented one way to do use represent without setting it every time.
>>> 2. The linked_tables settings works for grid, but not for form (view and
>>> edit) . I looked at code (gluon/sqlhtml.py#..smartgrid)
>>> , and found this:
>>>                 if linked_tables is None or referee in linked_tables:
>>>                     field.represent = lambda
>>> id,r=None,referee=referee,rep=field.represent: A(callable(rep) and rep(id)
>>> or
>>> id,_class=trap_class(),_href=URL(args=request.args[:nargs]+['view',referee,id],
>>> user_signature=user_signature))
>>> i think referee is a way to know if is viewing or edit form, but it
>>> always show all the linked_tables, so linked_tables settings is uselless.
>>> I think it could remove the second part of if to properly use the settings
>>> way.
>>> 3. I need to show only some registers in a grid. But whiles the docs
>>> talk about the constraints settings, i cant find a example of query to make
>>> it work. A workaround was use the keywords (as in user made query, but it
>>> has the disavantage of show the query in the search field.
>>> Could someone provide a example of using constraints?
>>> --
>>> Atenciosamente
>>> Alexandre Andrade
>>> Hipercenter.com Classificados Gratuitos
>> --
>> Atenciosamente
>> Alexandre Andrade
>> Hipercenter.com Classificados Gratuitos
> --
> Atenciosamente
> Alexandre Andrade
> Hipercenter.com Classificados Gratuitos


Alexandre Andrade
Hipercenter.com Classificados Gratuitos

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