Very nice. Note, "experts4soluions" should be "experts4solutions" (in the 
menu and on the login page).

I miss the second level headings in the chapter TOCs -- very helpful for 
finding topics. Also, not too big a deal, but maybe consider generating the 
chapter TOCs server side -- there's often quite a lag with the client side 
JS rendering.


On Monday, December 19, 2011 1:12:31 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> The latest book edition (4th) is now available for free here:
> This is not the final version of the new book application but it is a
> major improvement over the old one.
> It works on mobiles. Has true multi book, multi version and multi
> language support.
> I disabled some functions because they are not polished yet but I
> should be done very soon.
> When done I will open the book for editing so you can fix typos
> yourself.
> Should also be faster than the previous one.
> Please give it a try and report any problems, including css issues.
> Do not report typos quite yet. You will be able to fix them yourself.
> Massimo

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