I apologize posting the electronic version of the book 4th ed in html
and pdf is taking longer than expected but truly I am almost done. The
delay was due to these facts:

1) complete rewrite of the online book app
2) do not use lulu for the pdf download but use the web app itself in
order to
   a) lower the price
   b) make the process simpler and painless
   c) watermark every copy of the book (so I know who posts it online)
   d) allow users to download future new version without paying again
3) allow the system to sell multiple books (by me and other people).

I need a tester.

If you plan to buy the PDF book:

- post on this list a message saying: I am trying
- try buy it here: https://web2py.com/pdfbuy
- post on this list a message saying whether is worked or did not work
or you gave up.
- do not try download is somebody else is an has not reported back.

I am trying avoid too many downloads as I do not know how many I can
handle concurrently because of ram.

If this works well I will merge this app and the new html/book app
(which is also done).

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