Is the 'request' error in Note, you can't access the 'request' 
object in modules. You have to use current.request -- 

Perhaps you're not getting an error when the import is in a function simply 
because the function hasn't been called (and therefore the import hasn't 
been attempted).


On Friday, December 16, 2011 11:56:59 AM UTC-5, nekrox wrote:
> If i do
> def index():
>     import mymodule
> Its ok
> But if i do
> import mymodule
> def index():
>     some code here
> Its show an error where the error say 
> NameError: name 'request' is not defined
> I dont import the module in each function, i want import only one time.
> 2011/12/16 Anthony <>
>> Can you give an example?
>> On Friday, December 16, 2011 11:43:00 AM UTC-5, nekrox wrote:
>>> Each time when i try import a module out of a function python show a 
>>> error saying they would not find request.
>>> I have to necessarily import all modules inside of a function?
>>> -- 
>>> Alvaro Lizama Molina  -
> -- 
> Alvaro Lizama Molina  -

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