You can't really pre-populate the field because you don't know the cpu 
value until after the user selects the sku. So, you'll have to do this with 
JS/jQuery and Ajax on the client side. Use jQuery to detect the sku 
selection, and when detected, send an Ajax request to web2py to have it 
look up the associated cpu. Check 
out for some 


On Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:08:04 PM UTC-5, Adi wrote:
> I'm still trying to resolve my problem, and desperately need someone's 
> help :)
> When I try to add a new sku to a purchase order, I would like to 
> prepopulate "CPU" field with the value from db.sku.cpu (determined by a 
> dropdown).
> Is it possible to do this through smartgrid, and how would I do it? Bellow 
> is a short version of my code for this... I'm stuck... :(
> db.define_table('sku',
>                 Field('sku_number', 'string', label=T('SKU #')),
>                 Field('description', 'string', label=T('Description')),
>                 Field('cpu', 'double'),
>                 Field('note', 'text'), 
>                 format='%(sku_number)s - %(description)s',
>                 )
> db.define_table('purchase_order',
>                 Field('po_number', 'string'),
>                 )
> db.define_table('po_sku',
>                 Field('sku_id', db.sku, label=T('SKU #')),
>                 Field('po_id', db.purchase_order, label=T('Purchase Order 
> #')),
>                 Field('qty', 'integer'),
>                 Field('cpu', 'double'),
>                 )
> #
> def list_purchase_orders():
> = False
>     db.purchase_order['_plural'] = 'Purchase Orders'
>     grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.purchase_order, details=True, 
> links_in_grid=True, 
>                         maxtextlengths={'purchase_order.po_number':15},
>                         maxtextlength=20,
>                         paginate=20, 
>                         csv=False,
>                         ui='jquery-ui',
>                         user_signature=False, oncreate = auth.archive, 
> onupdate=auth.archive)
>     return dict(grid=grid)

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