You raise a good issue. We will start working on it as soon as the 4th ed of the book is out.
On Dec 3, 12:17 am, Andrea Bravi <> wrote: > Hi everyone, > > first of all, thank you for the really nice job done with web2py: as soon > as I downloaded it, I really liked how easy it is to use the admin > interface and play with it! > > That being said, I would like to kindly ask you some advices regarding how > to learn using web2py. I have a background in Python and database > design/programming, however I don't know anything about web applications (I > am a biomedical engineer). I was trying to read the official web2py book, > however from Chapter 4 I realized that I could understand and reproduce the > examples, but I was definitely not capable to abstract and learn how to use > the entire API. It seems to me that the material is targeting an audience > that already knows how to create web applications, and that only needs to > learn a new "vocabulary". Now, is there some book/slides/course/anything > that you would suggest me to start with? I could buy a book like Python 3 > Web Development Beginner's Guide (assuming that's what I need) and start > from there, however I would like something that targets directly web2py. > > I hope the question is clear enough! Let me know if you need other details. > > Thank you for your help, > > Andrea