On Thursday, December 1, 2011 10:57:57 AM UTC-5, viniciusban wrote:
> I found the solution:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/38a07b7e00b789ac/6bae4627c7587ddd?lnk=gst&q=tenant#6bae4627c7587ddd

In fact, I don't think you specifically have to use 'ignore_tenant' -- I 
think if you use any name other than 'request_tenant' (that also isn't used 
as a field name in any table), it will essentially turn off the 
request_tenant filtering. Basically, it filters by the field named in 
db._request_tenant, which is initialized to 'request_tenant'. If you change 
the value of db._request_tenant to something else, you break the filtering 
because it is attempting to filter by a field that doesn't exist (e.g., 


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