OK, now I get it. {gigantic knowing smile}, You are right, the Web2py 
solution of changing the database line would not work in this particular 

In a nutshell something that wold work is this: Start over and use either 
w2p_clone or [ w2p_apps and w2p_run ] but never ever mix them in the same 
environment unless it is just to have some fun. While w2p_apps and w2p_run 
are really interesting they also make it very easy to make your install 
foobar unless handled very carefully.*

w2p_clone (recommended, straight forward)*
w2p_clone is pretty straight forward. If you are using w2p_clone (I would 
recommend this) then launch web2py the "normal way". In other words from 
your venv directory do something like:

source ./bin/activate
python ./web2py/web2py.py --nogui --password=test

Things should work just like a normal installation and editing the db.py 
database is really all you should need to do to setup Web2py for your 
w2p_apps and w2p_run* *(challenging to master, easy to foobar)*

These two are really interesting and I would highly recommend playing with 
them, but most people (everyone) finds them really tricky to use at first. 
I would hesitate to use them in a production environment myself without a 
very compelling reason, not because the are unstable or bad in any way, but 
because it is so easy for you or someone who follows you to make a good 
installation foobar with them. This is a quick explanation of what they do.
w2p_apps* creates a "floating", "headless" applications directory. If you 
run w2p_apps once and the run w2p_run Web2py will magically start and your 
headless applications directory will act as if it was nested under a fairly 
standard Web2py installation only it's not... Confused? everyone is at 
first... Ways to foobar your install with w2p_apps include running it 
twice, once in the intended location and once somewhere else. What happens 
when you have two headless applications directories running under a virtual 

*w2p_run *starts the web2py install the pip install web2py installs (NOT 
the version of Web2py that w2p_clone installs) and makes your headless 
applications directory work like a regular applications directory in a 
normal web2py installation unless you have more than one applications 
Which is which

*When you where seeing 1.98.2 you where running the pip installed version 
of Web2py and when you ran your cloned version you where running 1.99.3. 

If you can figure out a better way to explain all of this then I would be 
happy to include it with the next upgrade of the pip installed version 
which I should probably do A.S.A.P. ...
*Hope this helps



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