I would consider this an improvement. Please open a ticket.

On Nov 30, 9:46 am, Vinicius Assef <vinicius...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Massimo Di Pierro
> <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > sorry it took me a while....
> > SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget and SQLFORM.widgets.date.widget
> > are the same.
> I couldn't find anything in the docs about it. Reading there, we are
> lead to face them as different widgets.
> > what you want is to eliminate the datepicker popup. Technically that
> > is not part of the widget but handled by the JS in the page.
> > try this, immediately after you insert the form or field:
> > <script>
> > jQuery('#table_field').removeClass('date'); // or datetime
> > </script>
> It worked. Thank you. :-D
> I'm not so good in Javascript. Not even in jQuery, yet.
> Talking about this case, I understand technically it's not inside the
> widget. But, think with me: if I have a date field with a string
> widget, couldn't web2py generate this field with another class?
> Something like "date without_picker" (or something better. rsrs) Or,
> the opposite, generate "date date_picker" in case of using this
> picker. And just "date" if not using it.
> Could we consider it a problem to be fixed?
> --
> Vinicius Assef.

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