After implementing the full auth with web2py, now I would like to implement the simpler possible Sign Up system. I need the users to enter just email address (sued as a username) and a password, that is it. No explicit Username and no First Name, Last Name. I will ask them for this info later when needed and need ot store in a different database (GAE)
What I need in order this to function? If I just comment out the fields in *auth_user* will to the trick? Are there any dependencies from Username and First Name, Last Name fields? db.define_table('auth_user', #Field('first_name', type='string', # label=T('First Name')), #Field('last_name', type='string', # label=T('Last Name')), Field('email', type='string', label=T('Email')), Field('password', type='password', readable=False, label=T('Password')), #Field('username', type='string', # label=T('Username')), Field('created_on','datetime',, label=T('Created On'),writable=False,readable=False), Field('modified_on','datetime',, label=T('Modified On'),writable=False,readable=False,, Field('registration_key',default='', writable=False,readable=False), Field('reset_password_key',default='', writable=False,readable=False), Field('registration_id',default='', writable=False,readable=False), #format='%(first_name)s', migrate=settings.migrate)