You might find it useful to run web2py in a shell so you can experiment and see what objects and HTML are generated with forms.
python -S myapp/default -M -N That will start a Python shell in the environment of the controller of myapp (including running the models). You can then call any of the functions in to inspect their output, as well as access the entire web2py API to experiment. To see the html generated by a helper object (including a FORM or SQLFORM object), just 'print' it (or call it's .xml() method). For example: >>> form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('primary_email_choice_new',, requires=IS_IN_SET({'Work' : 'Work', 'Home' : 'Home'}), default='Work')) >>> print form <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><table><tr id="no_table_primary_email_ch oice_new__row"><td class="w2p_fl"><label for="no_table_primary_email_choice_new" id="no_table_primar y_email_choice_new__label">Primary Email Choice New: </label></td><td class="w2p_fw"><table class="s tring" id="no_table_primary_email_choice_new" name="primary_email_choice_new"><tr><td><input id="pri mary_email_choice_newHome" name="primary_email_choice_new" type="radio" value="Home" /><label for="p rimary_email_choice_newHome">Home</label></td></tr><tr><td><input checked="checked" id="primary_emai l_choice_newWork" name="primary_email_choice_new" type="radio" value="Work" /><label for="primary_em ail_choice_newWork">Work</label></td></tr></table></td><td class="w2p_fc"></td></tr><tr id="submit_r ecord__row"><td class="w2p_fl"></td><td class="w2p_fw"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td><t d class="w2p_fc"></td></tr></table></form> Anthony On Monday, November 28, 2011 1:46:57 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote: > > It depends from the development environment. I am working with GAE and it > is very tricky to debug when using GAE. > > Controller will be fine for me after I generate the HTML to see what it is > doing. > To understand it how it works we need more examples in the doc. > > Before that I need to work with the debugger to see what happens. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >