Does the problem only happen when using the CKEditor plugin, or even with a 
standard textarea?

On Monday, November 28, 2011 2:42:26 AM UTC-5, rochacbruno wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to solve a problem (all day long and I cannot find the source 
> of this)
> I have a comment form in a page, also I have another page with edit form, 
> and one with create form.
> Every form works ok with Google Chrome, I also tested in Midori and 
> Safari(running on wine) and it works ok.
> But, I tested two versions of firefox on windows and linux and any form is 
> accepted with firefox. The form is submitted, but the form.vars is always 
> blank, so it not reach the accepted state.
> The form is simple:
>> *form = SQLFORM(db.comments, formstyle='divs')
>> **if form.process().accepted:
>> **   # I DO some stuff here, but only reachs here in chrome, not in 
>> firefox*
> I already tested another methods as accepts(), validate() and using 
> onsuccess and onvalidation but nothing works.
> If somebody knows what can be the source of this here are the test pages:
>  OR
> In any article (of any article_type) you have a comment box, login with* 
>* and *1234*.
> Try to post a *comment* with Chrome, then try with firefox.
> Also (still logged in)
> OR 
> The create and the respective edit forms (click edit in the article view)
> These forms only accepted with another browser but not with firefox *5*to 
> *8*.
> Does anybody knows any issue with this browser?
> Thank you.
> -- 
> Bruno Rocha
> []

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